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SEO + Positioning

Digital Awareness

I Boosted the SEO Visibility of a Startup 1000% in 4 Months

Hello! My name is Olivia Grace Barnes and for 4 months I explored how to help improve the visibility, positioning, and general SEO of Saleslion, a small sales startup specializing in assisting B2B enterprise companies with their complex sales processes..


I have been interested in storytelling and visual art ever since I was a kid. â€‹


So, naturally, when it was time for me to choose a career, marketing and communications seemed like the perfect fit. 


I loved to write, I loved to design, and I loved to learn, but even still, it took me until I got my first full-time job as a marketing associate that I realized that this complicated acronym, SEO, had become one of the most important aspects of inbound marketing.


As I began to work at Saleslion, I began to engage with SEO on a daily basis learning more than I could ever imagine in a remarkably short amount of time. 


And this was where my SEO learning journey was born. 


Through my work, I aimed to improve the SEO of the startup I was working at in order to boost visibility, improve search rank, and ultimately generate more leads through the Saleslion website. 

Follow my progress from start to finish


Project planning with the help of peers and experts. 

Responding to challenges with patience.



Making progress on visibility and content creation.


Scaling SEO visibility and leveraging learnings for the future.

What I have learned

Check out these blog posts and Loom videos to see what I was able to learn from this project!!




The Art of Digital Narratives — This blog explores the importance of SEO and how it can go hand-in-hand with traditional storytelling.


Getting Your Hands Dirty: The Learner’s Guide — One of the best ways to truly learn something or gain expertise in a particular area is to get your hands dirty through hands-on experiences. Here is where how getting my hands dirty helped me excel at my role.


The Basics of SEO - SEO is a big, scary, and complicated field. Here is where I explain the basics of SEO so that you can learn how important it is within the world of marketing.





How to Use SEMRush for Keyword Research

How to Use SEMRush for Keyword Research
Play Video

How You Can Use Google Analytics for Traffic Analytics

How You Can Use Google Analytics For Traffic Analytics
Play Video

Using Frase to Optimize Articles and Web Pages

How to Optimize Your Articles for SEO Using Frase
Play Video

What I have Produced

Check out my highest-ranking article and my most clicked articles that I wrote for Saleslion.




Sales Enablement 101: The Complete Guide - Ranking for 33 target keywords


The 12 Best Sales Enablement Software of 2023 — Ranking for 14 target keywords


Selling SaaS in a Remote World: What You Need To Know - Ranking for 6 target keywords


20 Digital Sales Room KPIs For Your Sales Team — Ranking for 5 target keywords





Most Clicked

What Is a Digital Sales Room? — Clicked 21 times


20 Digital Sales Room KPIs For Your Sales Team  Clicked 6 times


What is in the Saleslion Digital Sales Room?  Clicked 5 times

Tangible Key Results

  • 993.7% Visibility Score Increase

  • 17.8% Increase in Organic Search Traffic

  • Created over 30 articles, 60 social posts, 7 videos & 3 web pages 

  • 26 Target Keywords in the Top 100 

inTangible Key Results

  • I Learned How To Learn Quickly 

  • I Learned How To Manage My Time

  • I Learned How To Add Value In An Area That I Didn't Have Previous Experience or Expertise

Final thoughts

Overall I am extremely satisfied with the results of my work over these past 4 months. It showcases my abilities to learn quickly, pick up new skills effectively, and provide real value to organizations through my newfound knowledge of search engine optimization.


While this project was a lot of fun, I know that I have only barely scratched the surface of the world of SEO. I have so much more to learn! This experience has taught me a lot about myself and my value as a lifelong learner.

If you want to see where this takes me or have any questions, follow me here or connect on

LinkedIn. Thanks for reading!


Have a blessed day!

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