My Month 4 Update
This month yielded more results than I could have ever imagined. From boosting the visibility score by almost 1000% to successfully completing this intense learning journey, this month ended with a bang.
Leaps and Bounds
This marks the end of the fourth month of this project. This project is officially over! You can view the previous week’s update here, or check out my entire month’s work here!
What I Set Out to Accomplish
Based on my original outline and my revised plans after last month, my goals this month were to:
Write at least 4 articles
Analyze SEMRush and Google Analytics to monitor progress
Continue optimizing any additional articles and web pages
Publish the case studies on the web
Create and implement a new strategy to continue SEO growth
Conduct another competitor analysis
Create Loom videos for SEMRush and Google Analytics
Complete the full write-up of my project
What I Actually Accomplished
This month I had a lot of success in completing my goals!
Firstly, I realized that almost all of the keywords that I was trying to rank for hadn't been added to our keyword list in SEMRush. And once I added the keywords that I had been targeting all along, our visibility score jumped from 0.32% at the beginning of May to 2.78% overnight.
Essentially, because most of the keywords SEMRush was monitoring had nothing to do with my company or the solution we offered, SEMRush listed our visibility score as low. And once I added all of our target keywords, the optimized articles and pages that I had created over the past 4 months boosted that visibility score like crazy.
That was pretty exciting to see. :D
Additionally, I grew a lot this month by creating a couple of new website pages for our website. While I was familiar with web design, this web design project involved some higher-level coding and design than I was used to. And while it took me a while to understand the platform, I successfully created, optimized for search, and published 3 pages on the website, including the case studies.
I also successfully completed all of my documentation pieces to round out this project.
Takeaways & Next Moves
This month really drove home a few things for me.
How much I have learned and grown over the past few months in terms of confidence and proficiency in content creation, search engine optimization, graphic design, copywriting, storytelling, and more.
Accurate data tracking is vitally important. Not only would I have believed that I had made no progress if I hadn't added in our target keywords, but the company I work for would have received mixed communication on both the value that I provided but also the tangible key results that they were hoping to achieve (increased visibility score, increased traffic, etc.).
I have gained new skills in time management, graphic design, and copywriting, along with proficiency with tools like Figma or Canva for graphic design, and SEMRush, Frase, and Google Analytics for content optimization and website traffic analysis.
And finally, while I had set out at the beginning of the quarter to write at least 15 articles, I ended up writing over 30. From social posts to videos to web design, this quarter-long project has been nothing if not extraordinary. The amount of learning that I have done is incredible.
Going forward I plan to continue with the strategies that I had defined during this project to boost SEO visibility, generate a sustained increase in traffic, and help my company become competitive in the market.
Going forward
© 2023 by Olivia Grace Barnes.